JROTC Courses

The mission of the JROTC Program is "to motivate young people to be better citizens" by providing instruction in and application of good citizenship and character, responsibility, leadership development, self-worth, communication skills, problem solving, discipline, respect, ethics and wellness of body, mind and spirit, which will benefit the student, the community and the nation. JROTC is an elective which carries absolutely no military obligation. The program is based on a systematic progression of learning that is designed for the cadet's development and maturity at each grade level. The scope and focus of instruction is, therefore, sequential, building upon the previous year's curriculum.

The program consists of 4 LET (Leadership, Education and Training) levels that progress from Freshman to Senior year. During the first school year of JROTC, LET1 students receive instruction in Lifetime Wellness and basic JROTC history and function. Students that take JROTC for a full year will gain one elective credit in JROTC plus one core credit in Wellness. Each subsequent school year earns a JROTC elective credit. Successful completion of 3 years of JROTC can also be used to satisfy the graduation requisite of 1/2 credit of PE, 1/2 credit of personal finance, and 1/2 core credit for U.S. Government, as well as meet the 3 elective requirements of the Humanities Focus.

In addition to academics and physical fitness, JROTC also offers the following co-curricular activities:

  • Drill Team/Color Guard - Precision in drill and ceremonies for competition and community events.
  • Rifle Teams - Advanced coaching in individualized marksmanship. Competition in league, statewide and regional matches.
  • Raider Team -Individual and team strength test, obstacle course, distance running events, first aid events, and some form of rope bridge construction/crossing.
  • Community Service - Although not a team, JROTC students have many opportunities to volunteer their time to improve the program, Ooltewah High School and the Chattanooga Community.

Visit our webpage to learn more. https://ohs.hcde.org/extracurricular/clubs___organizations/jrotc

Course: JROTC I (LET 1 & LET 2)
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 (LET 1)
Prerequisite: None
The first year of instruction is an integrated course of basic JROTC and Lifetime Wellness emphasizing rights, responsibilities, privileges, freedoms, team work, health, hygiene, fitness, oral communications, and respect for authority that underlie good citizenship and character.

Course: JROTC II (LET 2)
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: JROTC I
This course is a continuation of JROTC I with a heavy emphasis on ethical values, principles, written communications, fitness, basic management techniques and leadership potential, technology, and drug abuse awareness. Emerging leaders are identified and developed. Second term emphasis is on practical application of skills learned during the first term to include collateral readings, written reports, oral presentations, leadership labs, and U.S. Government.

Course: JROTC III (LET 3)
Grades: 11, 12
Prerequisite: JROTC II
First term emphasis is on problem solving, intermediate leadership responsibilities, coaching and supervising techniques, leader communicative skills, environmental concerns, and fitness. Cadets assume mid-level positions of leadership. During second term emphasis is placed on practical application of skills learned during first term to include U.S. Government, decision making, methods of instruction, counseling, collateral readings, written and oral reports, and leadership labs

Course: JROTC IV (LET 4)
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: JROTC III
This course is a continuation of JROTC III with emphasis being placed on ethical reasoning, planning and decision making, applied leadership, fitness, community involvement, and the job market. Cadets assume senior positions of leadership and assist the instructors. Second term has emphasis on practical application of skills learned in the first term to include performance in assigned command and staff positions within the cadet organization, preparation and execution of the annual Command Inspection, JROTC recruiting, college and career planning, seminars, advanced leadership labs and U.S. Government.

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